Linggo, Pebrero 27, 2011

Reminiscing Japan - Family Steakhouse

Okay, actually I'm not super sure what the name of this restaurant was but I know Steph and I ate there more than once and it was near our school XD I think it's called Family Steakhouse, but again, I'm not sure XD

So this is rice, corn soup, I think, burger with potatoes and corn as sidings and tempura? I'm not sure as I forgot but yes. Look at the Japanese rice. It looks so sticky. I think all of the rice we tried in various restaurants reflected that kind of texture. Yummy :)

In another time, I also ordered Burger with Cheese in tomato sauce (spicy) with a siding of Spaghetti and Potatoes. Yummy. The Japanese also have a lot of burger places, surprisingly. Burgers don't strike me as particularly Japanese but yes, there are a lot of 'em. :)

1 komento:

  1. Have you been on Outback steak house? I heard they are offering several treats like
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